Teacher of the Year

I once sat down with one of our teachers and asked her if I could ask her avery simple but important question in regards to her teaching style.  Mind you, every single day I walk by her classroom and her students are all in just “aww” when she is in a lesson.  I wanted to know how she did that.  How did she get the students that eager to learn and that engaged for that long of a period? Her answer was simply “When I am that excited to teach, they are that eager to learn!”  I would hear different parts of the students conversation in the hallway and I have heard on many different occasions “I want to be like Mrs. Conklin when I grow up.”.  How inspiring is that?  It was no surprise to me when the school announced that she was our teacher of the year.  In my mind, I had already knew that title was hers.  You could not sit in her classroom and not get wrapped up in her lesson.  It was impossible.  She made me want to go back to fourth grade and learn all over again.  It makes me smile that we still do have some really great teachers out there, that are still in it for the kids and not just the state!  In the following link, you will find our Teacher of the years biography, and just in reading that, you can really see her passion for teaching. http://conklin.tes.wallerisd.schoolfusion.us/modules/tt/profile.phtml?profile_id=201387&sessionid=2f9ad446c6721835c9a09d2e1d10d449


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